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Single’s Ministry
Our Singles Ministry is designed to guide and teach individuals; how to love as Christ loves us, how to be good stewards, and how to serve. Whether you’re a college student, single parent, divorcee or a widower we have a place for you.  This ministry also addresses “Real Life Issues and Situations” that you may deal with on a day to day basis.


Dance and Arts Ministry
This is where you express and show your worship and praise through arts and dance. We are a dynamic group of individuals full of energetic anointing who’s not afraid of praising God in our own way. We encourage and inspire young and old to share their gifts and talents as we worship together!


Marriage Ministry 
The Marriage Ministry seeks to educate and train couples to build best-friend relationships and sustain stronger marriages that reflect the oneness of Christ and His church. This ministry provides teachings on various topics for marriage and family that is based on the word of God.


We are a ministry of H.O.P.E. (Helping Others Pursue Eternity) through healing of the mind, body and spirit. We truly uphold the principle that we are servants to clothe the naked, help the widow and feed the hungry. This ministry started in the community with 2 acts of love and kindness. Providing “free” hot breakfast every Sunday morning and also providing our own stimulus package which is food/meats and personal hygiene items to all in our Wednesday evening service. For our mission is to love God, love people and serve the world!


Men’s Ministry
This ministry is specifically for men and focuses on strengthening their accountability and responsibility as Godly leaders in their homes and society. We are transparent with our testimonies to let other men know that they can overcome any obstacles in their lives. Our goal is to help every man in their pursuit of eternity and their journey to become Kingdom builders through their personal relationships with Jesus Christ.



For your little ones (3 years – 12 years old) we have a dynamic ministry affectionately known as “LIFE KIDZ” (Loving, Integrity, Fearless, Effectual, Kind, Intelligent, Discerning, & Zealous). We value your child and want to provide the most fun and engaging atmosphere for teaching little ones about Christ. This ministry is led by experienced and caring leaders, as well as parent volunteers that love your child with the love of Christ. Your child will be taught the fundamentals of tithe, offering, and biblical principles on a level that they can understand. Our prayer is that we make an impression on them that will impact the rest of their lives…believing that if we bring up a child in the way they should go, when they get old they will not depart from it.


Women’s Ministry
Women’s Ministry is for women from all walks of life. This ministry aide’s in the healing of mind, body and soul by establishing goals, recognizing potential and creating new life with God. It is our task to inspire women to identify their God given gifts and talents as well as identify and pursue their purpose in this life. 


Praise and Worship Ministry 
Here at Life at the River International, our mission is to lead people into the presence of God through worship as they experience the fullness of God’s joy.  We have a growing Praise and Worship Ministry that really sets the stage for you to experience God in a whole new way!  Whether its through the singing of hymns or the lifting of our hands during our more contemporary worship service you will definitely find something in our worship that you can relate too.


Top Flight Ministry (Teens of Purpose following The Life Instructions That God's Heart Teaches)
This is a group of young people between the ages of 13-18 years old. In this ministry, we Help Youth Pursue Eternity through allowing them to express themselves while praising God. This ministry also encourages their hearts and minds to living for God as they become a living testimony of God’s power and favor to their peers. 


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